
Lucrezia Hale: Plain NeedleworkKnitting stockings may be, as some aver, costly and tedious ; but, when it employs odd minutes which would otherwise be wasted, its chief value shows itself. A woman who has been at the washtub or at housework all day cannot easily sit down to plain needlework ; her hands are "out of tune",  she cannot, perhaps, even feel the needle, it is too small : but let her be able to knit readily (having been taught at school), and she will add many an inch, at spare moments, to her husband's or children's stocking, which lies ready to be taken up at any time. Moreover, when old age produces dimness of sight, how many weary hours can be enlivened, if knitting has been acquired when young ! and how it may help to ease the feeling of "being a burden," if the old woman of the family can keep the children's feet well clothed in strong, warm stockings.

Hale, Lucretia P. (Lucretia Peabody), 1820-1900:
Plain needlework, knitting, and mending, for all, at home and in schools...
Boston (USA), 1879
Seite 22

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