Der Winter ist wieder in sein gewohntes Grau zurückgekehrt und die schönen ruhigen Tage mit Sonnenschein, blauem Himmel oder Schneefall sind vorbei. Für ein paar Tage fühlte ich mich um 10 Jahre zurückversetzt in den unglaublichen langen Schnee-Winter 2011 - unser erster Winter hier auf dem Land.
Woanders ist aber richtig Winter. In Lettland wurde dieser Tage "Metens" gefeiert, der Gott der Fruchtbarkeit, Jumis, wird aus dem Winterschlaf geholt und freche Buben jagen übers Land. Vielleicht schläft Jumis noch ein wenig? Ich zeige hier nocheinmal ausgegebenem Anlaß das herrlich-fröhlich-freche Video der Gruppe Auli. Viel Spaß dabei!
Winter 2011
An excerpt from the Video-description at youtube:
Budēļi are spirits of fertility who are said to live in the grain fields. In autumn, farmers perform special rituals to catch Jumis, the god of fertility, and put him to bed for the winter. At the Meteņi celebration in February they wake him up again. The arrival at this celebration of budēļi – masked figures related to mummers who wake the fertility in the soil and people– signifies that spring is nearing.
Love this video! Wool is used in so many places. I shared it with my weaving and knitting Guild.
I live in the United States, and as a descendant of Pomeranian settlers of Wisconsin, all of them weavers, I naturally enjoy your blog very much. Among other things, I like to read it in German but unfortunately, it keeps switching into English. Is there some way to prevent this?
Dear Emile, thanks for visiting my blog!
I will check this behaviour. I think it is a function of the translation-plugin which I use here. I will check and come back to you!
PS: I now found that this caused by an option „Auto switch to browser language“ which is set active so that many readers will see the translated version faster…
If I de-activate it, my friends in the US who do not speak german and who are used to get the translation immediately /or as soon as possible, will be irritated.
I changed the sequence of the flags so the german flag sits on the first position and is easy to click and I moved the translation-widget upwards in the sidebar.
Does this help?