Die schwedische Handarbeitsorganisation Hemslöjden lädt zu einem offenen Online-Seminar am 15. Oktober via Zoom ein.
Das Thema: "From Flax to linen – retting, hackling and tools for flax preparation", die Seminar-Sprache ist englisch.
Der Link zur kostenlosen Teilnahme per Zoom:
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87247531801?pwd=uGYrpmlh7zOXBNoiZD7zBlOeaMerbJ.1 / Passwort: 116361
Passt ja gut zum erwachenden Flachsbewußtsein!

Das Programm der Veranstaltung
Part 1: Experiences with retting of linen
Ulla Ravn and Mette Clement Jørgensen will tell about their experiments and experiences with the retting of flax. About water retting and land retting. When has the flax been properly retted? When to ret? How the retting goes in different times of the year – fall and winter.
Part 2: Hackling flax before spinning
Marie Ekstedt Bjersing,Master weaver and flax spinner, Researcher in textile history, Lecture in textile technology at Swedish School of Textiles, University of Borås.
I will talk about different ways of hackling flax. How to judge the quality of the line and how to decide methods to hackle. Do I need to hackle the flax? Can I avoid tow? -
Part 3: Tools to get from flax to linen
Liis Burk,Lahemaa Heritage House, craft master
After several years of flax-qrowing projects we now know how it grows and how beautifully it blooms. We have also shared that what comes next, how flax gets into linen and how many different procedures you have to go through. But all the tools seems to exist only in museums. Actually it is possible to renew old tools and build new ones. Let´s have a look together.